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Support Files Location: Only use this field if you have placed the NoteTab program file in a different directory from its support files (Help, dictionaries, settings, etc.).

Store Settings in Registry: Set this option if you want to store the NoteTab settings in the Windows registry instead of an INI file. Note that using the registry instead of an INI file slows down the loading and closing of NoteTab. Use the INI file for best performance.

Clear Properties: Clear all stored document properties. Next time you open documents, the default settings defined in the Options dialog box are used. This command has no effect on the documents that are currently open.

Store Properties: Defines the maximum number of document properties that should be remembered between sessions.

Text-Size Limit: You can configure the maximum document size the editor open. The value is in bytes. The value cannot exceed 2'147'483'632 (2 GB). This option will not change the buffer size of documents that are currently open.

Undo-Size Limit: You can configure the size of the undo buffer through this field. The value is in bytes and cannot exceed 65'532 (64 KB). By setting a smaller value you save system resources. This is only useful if you intend to open a very large number of documents at once. This option will not change the buffer size of documents that are currently open. This field is only available in NoteTab Pro.

Paragraph Limit: You can configure the maximum paragraph length allowed in documents. When word wrap is turned off, a paragraph represents a single line. The length is measured in characters and cannot exceed 32'767 (32 KB). Choosing a lower value will save system resources. This option will not change the paragraph size limit of documents that are currently open. This field is only available in NoteTab Pro.

Key Mapping: You can choose between default Windows or WordStar key mapping. Note that conflicting NoteTab shortcuts are not available when you choose WordStar key mapping. This field is only available in NoteTab Pro.

Highlight Clip Code: When set, instruction, label, and comment lines in Clipbook libraries are highlighted. This option is only available in NoteTab Pro.